Tuesday, September 15, 2009

What to listen when experiencin Salvia

There are different choices on music when under Salvia effects, sometimes relaxing music, rock or heavy metal.

Unfortunately for those trying to get the divinitories and healing experience that makes this plant so re known, shamans don't use music in their rituals because they say that any type of sound would make salvia divinorum hallucinations weaker or disappear.

As well as sound, shamans say light create a similar effect to salvia divinorum's effects, this is why shamans healing area while using salvia most of the time is a quiet and dark place in order to communicate with the dead or heal their patients.

If you have a favorite song to hear while under salvia divinorum effects, let me know which one is, though I rather want to copy old shamans techniques.

Please keep in touch, I'll have more news soon.

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